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Geranium sanguineum 'Snowflake' Pure white flowers, May to September, on compact clumps. Lovely for the border front. Sun or part shade, 30cm. high. Price: £7.50 Plant Breeders Rights apply.
Geranium wallichianum 'Buxton's Variety' Attractively marked foliage. Spode-blue flowers with distinctive white centres. In flower from June until well into the autumn. 30cm. high. Price: £7.20 RHS Award of Garden Merit
Geum chiloense 'Sunrise' Clump furmer with bright yellow double flowers from mid- summer to autumn. alikes a sunny site. 60cm. high. Price: £7.20
Geum 'Tempest' series These geums were bred here on our nursery They all make large clumps, usually evergreen with numerous upright stems of large flowers from early spring through to late summer and on into autumn. Best in a sunny site in fertile soil. 'Tempest' Geums all very strong plants in one litre pots.
Geum 'Coral Tempest' (EM) New in our Geum Tempest series. Makes large clumps of foliage with a long flowering season of large coral-orange blooms from March to August or longer. 50cm. high. 1 litre pot. Price: £8.25 Plant Breeders Rights apply.
Geum 'Fiery Tempest' (EM) Large fiery-red semi-double flowers from April to August, often repeating later. Makes a large clump. 40-50cm. high. 1 litre pot. Price: £8.25 Plant Breeders Rights apply.
Geum 'Foxy Tempest' (EM) A further addition to our 'Tempest' series. Large pale tangerine-orange flowers in profusion from late spring and through the summer, Compact habit, prefers the sun, easy in ordinary soils.. 50cm. high. Price: £8.25 Plant Breeders Rights apply.
Geum 'Scarlet Tempest' (EM) We were delighted when this was runner-up at Chelsea 2016 Plant of the Year. From our own breeding programme, aiming for large flowered, long flowering Geums for the herbaceous border. Large fiery-scarlet flowers, first from April into summer and again from late summer into autumn. Fertile soil in sun or part shade. 50cm. high. Price: £8.25 Plant Breeders Rights apply.
Geum 'Tiny Tempest' (EM) A new addition to our 'Tempest' series with a dwarf compact habit. Numerous small vivid scarlet semi-double flowers for a long summer season. Still in flower here in mid-October. A perfect border-front plant. 20cm. high. Price: £8.25
Geum 'Tropical Tempest' (E.M.) Newest in our 'Tempest' series Showy pure orange semi-double flowers in profusion from April to August. For fertile soil in sun or part shade. 50 cm. high. Probably the most prolific flowering Geum of all. Price: £8.25