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(EM) Beautiful combination of pale creamy yellow overlaid with pale slatey-blue streaks and veins. A lovely and most unusual cultivar.
Price: £5.00
Viola cornuta 'Cream Gem'
(EM) Pale cream flowers all summer and autumn. Ground-hugging, spreading clumps and soft colouring will fit easily into any colour scheme, in sun or part shade.
Price: £5.00
Viola cornuta 'Gypsy Moth'
(EM) A good cultivar with a typical cornuta elongated flower shape. Upper petals very pale blue, lower petals creamy white. Vigorous long-lived habit.
Price: £5.00
Viola cornuta 'Minor Alba'
Very compact form of V. c. 'Alba', 15cm. high. Very floriferous producing a mass of tiny white flowers all summer.
Price: £5.00
Viola cornuta 'Victoria Cawthorne'
Striking deep pink flowers in profusion all summer & autumn. One of the most beautiful of all Violas to appear in recent years.
Price: £5.00
Viola cornuta 'Wisley White'
A really good floriferous white-flowered selection of Viola cornuta alba. Exceptionally perennial