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Sidalcea 'Elsie Heugh' A beautiful perennial for a sunny border, producing tall spikes of pale pastel pink flowers with delicate fringed petals. July and Aug. 90cm. high. 1 litre pot. Price: £7.50
Sidalcea 'Little Princess' Very compact cultivar with delicate pale-pink flowers, held on 40 cm. high spikes. Ordinary soil in a sunny spot. 1 litre pot. Price: £7.50 Notes: PBR EU4343 PP12629 Plant Breeders Rights apply.
Stachys officinalis ‘Rosea Superba’ Mats of crinkled basal leaves produce spikes of bright pink flowers from June to September. Lovely border-front plant. Easy in ordinary soils, sun or part shade. 40cm. high. Price: £6.90
Stokesia laevis 'Mel's Blue' This really good upright selection producing very large periwinkle-blue flowers on strong stems from mid summer to early autumn. Attractive to bees and butterflies. Ordinary soil in a sunny spot 30-40cm. high. Price: £6.90 PBR
Thalictrum aquilegiifolium 'The Cloud' A new selection from Thierry Delabroye. Clouds of palest pink flowers held on tall upright dark maroon stems, 130cm high. For fertile soils, good in semi-shade. Price: £7.50
Thalictrum 'White Clouds' Makes mounds of beautiful ferny foliage. Strong upright dark stems carry heads of delicate fluffy white flowers in May and June. Fertile soil in sun or part shade. 90cm. high. Price: £7.50
Thalictrum 'Black Stockings' New cultivar with tall jet-black stems carrying fluffy heads of lavender-purple flowers in June and July. Sun or part shade. 120-150cm. high. Price: £7.00 Plant Breeders Rights apply.
Thalictrum 'Chantilly Lace' (EM) New from our nursery. Stunning early flowering Thalictrum hybrid, makes a bushy, multi-stemmed clump of pale lavender-pink flowers from late May until early July to a height of about 50cm. Best in semi-shade and a fertile soil. 1 litre pots. Price: £11.00 Plant Breeders Rights apply.
Thalictrum decorum The last Thalictrum to flower, starting in late July, often into early October. Deep purple buds open to lavender flowers with a mass of yellow stamens. Especially lovely. 100cm. high. Price: £7.00
Thalictrum delavayi (Syn. T. dipterocarpum) The easiest Thalictrum to grow. From beautiful maidenhair foliage arise 120cm. high stems carrying masses of tiny lilac flowers with prominent creamy stamens. For fertile soil in part shade. Will seed around. Price: £6.90 RHS Award of Garden Merit